Miss Melissa

Blonde and very young Finnish star, one hundred percent natural, erotic and hot despite the apparent fragility of a porcelain doll. As soon as he turned 18 he made his debut in Helsinki in adult entertainment, performing in the stip tease premises. The debut in the world of pornography took place in the warm nights of Barcelona animated by the shows of the SEB. It was love at first sight with the SpicyLab team, in a partnership that will often be renewed.

Actually she is a very impressive photomodel


  • Private
  • Cumlouder
  • FrameLiks
  • Woodman Casting
  • AnalVids
  • First Anal Quest
  • Rocco Siffredi Production
  • TeenPorn
  • Keep2Porn

Miss Melissa Videos

  • 3.1K
  • 43 Min

Bad Slave

Attori: Miss Melissa, Mary Rider, Sheri Taliani

01, February 2021

  • 693
  • 38 Min

SAW - The Fucker

Attori: Miss Melissa, Julius

01, July 2020

  • 1.9 K
  • 22 Min
Spicy Lab

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